Spring 2023
Art 1600 - Design Foundations I
Art 2600 - Design Foundations II
Art 3140/3141/3142/3143/3144 - Fine Art Seminar
Check your Canvas course for syllabus, assignments and content.
Art 4710 Fine Arts Internship
General Intro to fine art internships
Internship Pre-Approval Form (pdf)
Notes and Links on Internship Sites and Sources
Art 4501 - Senior Seminar
Check your Canvas course for syllabus, assignments and content.
Art 2200 - Computer Graphics Design
- Supply List
- Assignment Descriptions
Art 4400/4410/4420/4750 Advanced Studio & Independent Study
- START HERE -- notes on Advanced Studio and Independent Study courses: What? For Who? How to Sign Up?
Art & Design Chicago Spring Trip -- Fall 2023
Office: Art 225
Art 2900 - Sophomore Portfolio Review: Spring 2023
Talk with your advisor about whether this is the semester you should register for SPR -- usually its your 3rd semester -- your 1st Sophomore semester.
Sophomore Portfolio Review FAQ | Sign Up for SPR
Academic Advising
Degrees in Fine Arts
Degree Plans: BA Art | BA Art - Art Therapy Track
BFA VAS: Degree and Concentrations | BFA VAS - 4yr Dream PlanThese downloadable PDFs provide a suggested sequence of courses for the degree.
See Also: Semester Schedule Planner (helps explore the classes you'll register for)Degree Evaluation
— forms and instructions for completing a degree evaluation which is necessary prior to registering if you are a Junior+.
Course Registration Override Forms
Registration Advisor Verification Form (DnLd MSWord Doc)
Registration NotesIncompletes — forms and instructions for requesting an incomplete for a course.
Presentation: Matting, Mounting & Framing — sources of instructions, ideas, techniques
White County High School Art Show — Exhibit/Publication Release Form PDF
Open Source Graphics and Art/Design Resources
The information contained herein is for the sole purpose of information and education. Greg Clayton and Harding University do not guarantee correctness of all information presented and are not liable for any reliance by the user on the information obtained through this Web site. However, every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the content. Please contact Greg Clayton if you find anything that is a concern.