Course Incomplete Grade Instructions — Spring 2008
Note: these instructions may change without my knowledge. The university Registrar and Dean Long's office will have current policies/forms on hand.
The INCOMPLETE process.
When might an Incomplete be granted?
As written in the catalog, it states:
"An Incomplete may be given only when the student has been unable to
complete a course for circumstances which, in the judgment of the
faculty member, were unavoidable."This usually includes extended or severe illnesses or other crises. However, approvals of incompletes are granted only after consideration of the specific conditions. Incomplete approvals are not granted for convenience or due to a student's having overscheduled their semester.
All Incomplete requests formally submitted will be considered by the Dean, but are not approved until signed by the Dean.How long does an Incomplete last? How long do I have to finish the course?
The latest deadline for removing an incomplete is normally mid-term of the following semester. However, the professor may arrange Incomplete deadlines prior to that time, as circumstances justify.
How do I start the process of requesting an Incomplete?
Discuss your situation with your professor. Explore alternatives to extending your course beyond the current semester.
If he/she feels there is merit in your Incomplete request, complete the Incomplete Agreement Form.
Fill out the form and sign in.
Give it to your professor to sign.
Turn the form into the Academic Affairs office for Dr. Long's consideration or approval. They will, in turn, send it to the
Registrar's office.Below is a link the Incomplete Agreement Form for your
convenience. Hard copies can be found in any Administrative
Assistant's office (Dr. Long's office). They will always be glad to help you.Download the Incomplete Form (May '08) (Win: right click... Mac: option-click )
- Office Phone: (501 - 279-) 4433
- Email: GClayton@Harding.Edu
The information contained herein is for the sole purpose of information and education. Greg Clayton and Harding University do not guarantee correctness of all information presented and are not liable for any reliance by the user on the information obtained through this Web site. However, every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the content. Please contact Greg Clayton if you find anything that is a concern.