Question: How do I get a current copy of my academic transcript ... that is, a list of all of the courses that I've taken?
If you just want to see your academic records:
Log on to Pipeline
Scroll down to the Advising section
... and then ... Academic Transcript
Log on to Pipeline
Scroll down to the Advising section
To see the course you have taken, and the course yet-to-be-taken, go to Degree Evaluation (uAchieve)
To access for form to plan your remaining semesters, print out: 60-Hour Degree Evaluation Form (PDF)
The task:
a) find all of the courses that are required for your degree (marked with a red "X" on your Degree Evaluation).
b) Place each of those course in one of your remaining semesters on the 60-Hour Degree Evaluation Form
You and your academic advisor will review your degree plan (on the 60-hour Deg Eval Form). When you both agree its complete, you'll both sign it and you'll turn it in to the Registrar to officially submit and complete your Degree Evaluation.
ALSO -- See GLC notes on Advising and on the 60-Hour Degree Plan here.
In general,
(i.e. when you become a Junior, you have to turn in a Degree Evaluation and Plan)
Students who have between 60 and 89 credit hours must have an official
degree evaluation submitted to the Registrar or they will not have access
to their registration record. That is, you cannot register for next semester's
classes until you have turned in a degree evaluation. You will miss the
priority registration period -- thus, some classes may fill up before you can register.
Ergo, get your Degree Evaluation turned in to the Registrar prior to the beginning of registration.
The Degree Plan AND Degree Evaluation
a) you can view or print out your Degree Evaluation any time you like -- use Pipeline's uAchieve link Degree Evaluation
b) What the Registar really wants from you is a Degree Plan -- a tentative plan for each semester's courses until you graduate. The goal is to confirm that you have a plan to graduate on time.
1) Get a Listing of Courses Still Needed to Graduate (Degree Evaluation):
a) Go to Pipeline.
b) Click Through: My HU Info Main Menu: Student: Student Records:
Degree Evaluation (Degree Audit Instructions)
c) Print out a copy of the courses needed for your degree. The registrar's
PDF explains the notations.
2) Get a copy of a "Official Degree_Plan Form".
a) Either get a copy from your academic advisor, or...
b) ...get a copy from your department's main office, or...
c) ...download and print a copy: Degree
Evalutation Form
3) Plan your upcoming semesters
Fill out the Degree Plan Form with tentative course selections for each
of your remaining semesters. Plan the sequencing of courses so that
your load is not too heavy during any particular semester, and so that
prerequisites for each course are met.
Check the University Catalog for information on which semesters a course
is actually offered. Some are offered only in the Fall or in the Spring.
Other courses are offered only every other year.
Special Pages in the Catalog: Liberal Arts Requirements, Art Degree Requirements.
The University Catalog is
available online as PDF's.
Printed University Catalogs are in the Old Admin
building lobby, outside the Registrar's office.
4) Meet with Your Academic Advisor
Call or email your advisor to set up a time to review your degree plan.
Take your degree plan and your degree evaluation to your academic advisor
to review, discuss and alter as needed.
Your advisor will sign the Degree Plan when it is in good order.
5) Turn in your degree plan to the Registrar
Turn in both the Audit (Degree Evaluation) and the Degree Plan to the