Senior Seminar
fine arts/art education/art therapy

The Artist's Statement


Your resume, portfolio and exhibit catalog often include your artist's statement.

This is a declaration of what matters to you as an artist. It might include your key influences or motivating values.

It might include your goals for a current series of works or for your body of work as a whole -- just what are you pursuing as an artist? Why do you create what you create?

It might include a description of a creative process that you follow.

The Artist's Statement introduces you as an artist -- it aims to tell others who you are as a creative. In a sense, it introduces viewers to why they might care about your work. It is an opportunity to build a bridge between yourself and your viewer.

Artist's Statements can be short or long -- a brief description of what matters to you, or a long manifest on your influences, values and goals. Keep yours readable -- short and concise enough that the reader is willing to actually read it. You are inviting others into your creative world -- don't push them away.


Resources and Examples

The Dreaded Artist Statement   -- discusses the limitations and difficulty of describing creative process and goals.   Notes:  

Artist Statement Advice/Guidelines -- | 4 example artist statements -- notes

Beautifully short, concise Artist Statements - examples and advice - notes

Artist Statement Guidelines -- (appologies for article title) examples notes

Creating a Powerful Artist's Statement -- Jason Horejs/Xanadu Gallery




Try this...

-- Explain your artwork to several of your artist friends.  Have them make notes on whatever catches their attention and interests them.

-- Reflect on that conversation -- what did you want to tell them?  
What was most important to you that they understand?   
How might that be explained more simply or clearly?

-- now, write an introduction to your creative work.  
You might imagine that your exhibit is on display.  You have a small group of visitors who are new to you and your work, but are curious and interested.  What would you tell them about why you create, about what you choose to create, about the themes that interest you, about your influences, about the materials or processes you use?  

You DO NOT need to explain all of that -- only what matters most to you.  
But you do need to help your exhibit guests understand and enjoy your work. This is a part of building a connection with your audience -- they want to care about something worthwhile. Help them understand what you are working with so that they might discover that they care about your work -- about your effort to express what matters to them.





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Greg Clayton
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