Photography for Artists & Designers

Art & Design 265 Video Courses

Week: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 Video Courses

We'll be using video courses to supplement in-class content — in effect, these video courses will be our "textbooks." We'll discuss concepts in class after you've viewed the videos, taken notes and taken quizzes on the content. We'll then apply the insights gleaned to our setups and shooting.

You'll have a subscription to 5 video courses for the semester — your access to the videos will end when the semester ends. You can watch the videos as many times as you like, repeating those videos with the most relevant, or most challenging content.

See the Viewing Schedule of Canvas quiz content below.


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

Explores the exposure triangle of aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
Foundations of Photography: Composition Explores basic design and composition issues in photographic imagery.
Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals Explores professional tools for lossless editing of images.
Foundations of Photography: Flash Explores the basics of lighting.
Photoshop for Photographers: Lighting Effects Explores ways of manipulating lighting qualities in post-processing.


Viewing schedule

Each class has content to view. Content will be tested via Canvas quizzes that are completed before the class period noted in the schedule. That is, chapters 1, 2 & 3 of the Exposure video course need to be viewed before Class 2 begins, because the quiz that cover those videos closes prior to class time for Class 2.

Though viewing times vary, in general the quizzes for Thursday classes involve less video time than quizzes for Tuesday classes.

Note that the Class 5 quiz, includes some questions over review material — not just new material. As the semester goes on, more and more of the quizzes include review material. Most of the videos are covered in three different Canvas quizzes during the semester, including the quizzes after Class 23 that are exclusively over review content.

Be sure to take notes on the key content throughout these videos in order to better learn the content, and to be prepared for the quizzes.


Video Title/Chapter


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

1. Introduction 8m 44s

2. Exposure Fundamentals 9m 32s

3. Camera Anatomy 13m 50s


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

4. Shutter Speed Fundamentals 29m 26s

5. Aperture in Depth 26m 3s

6. Working with ISO 16m 26s


Foundations of Photography: Composition

Introduction 12m 4s

1. Understanding Composition 2m 47s

2. Seeing 12m 34s

3. Composition Fundamentals 36m 48s


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

8. Metering Modes 6m 3s

9. Exposure Compensation 33m 59s

11. Manual Mode 12m 26s

(quiz reviews Exposure Ch. 1, 2, 3)


Foundations of Photography: Composition

4. Geometry: Lines and Shapes 41m 48s

5. Shooting Best Practices 10m 38s


Foundations of Photography: Composition

6. Balance Revisited 35m 7s

7. Light 19m 6s

(quiz reviews Composition Ch. 1, 2, 3)


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

7. White Balance 14m 30s

10. Dynamic Range 12m 56s


Foundations of Photography: Composition

8. Workshop: Finding Light 18m 59s

9. Color 22m 11s

10. Guiding the Viewer 16m 48s

(quiz reviews Exposure Ch. 4, 5, 6)


Foundations of Photography: Composition

11. Workshop: Foreground and Background 13m 36s

12. Layers 34m 24s

(quiz reviews Composition Ch. 4, 5)


Foundations of Photography: Exposure

12. Advanced Program Mode 12m 1s

Conclusion 8m 16s

(quiz reviews Exposure Ch. 7, 8)

Foundations of Photography: Composition

13. Post Production 41m 21s

14. Workshop Exhibition and Wrap-Up 10m 22s

Conclusion 1m 0s


Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals

Introducing Camera Raw9m 2s

1. Preferences and File Formats25m 2s

2. Camera Raw Essentials Workflow14m 50s

(quiz reviews Composition Ch. 6, 7)


Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals

3. Getting to Know the Camera Raw Interface13m 43s

4. Opening and Saving28m 43s

5. Crop, Compose, and Straighten22m 40s

6. Improving Color with White Balance14m 14s

(quiz reviews Exposure Ch. 9, 10)


Foundations of Photography: Flash

Introduction1m 35s

1. Flash Fundamentals33m 1s

(quiz reviews Composition Ch. 8, 9, 10)


Foundations of Photography: Flash

2. Fill Flash to Balance Exposure32m 50s

Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals

7. Using the Main Basic Adjustments25m 42s

8. Improving Clarity and Vibrance and Saturation17m 33s

(quiz reviews Exposure Ch. 11, 12)


Foundations of Photography: Flash

3. Flash as a Key Light33m 53s

(quiz reviews Composition Ch. 11, 12, 13)


Foundations of Photography: Flash

4. Advanced Flash Scenarios54m 20s

Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals

9. Making Strong Black-and-White Images11m 50s

(quiz reviews Camera Raw Ch. 1, 2, 3)


Foundations of Photography: Flash

5. Shooting with Multiple Flash Units 25m 16s

6. Considerations for Purchasing a Flash 7m 50s

Conclusion 42s

(quiz reviews Flash  1, 2)


Photoshop CC for Photographers: Camera Raw 8 Fundamentals

10. Reducing Noise and Sharpening 28m 39s

Photoshop for Photographers: Lighting Effects

Introduction 1m 35s

1. Using Camera Raw to Improve Lighting 33m 54s

2. Changing the Overall Mood with Adjustments 21m 59s

(quiz reviews Camera Raw Ch. 4, 5, 6)


Photoshop for Photographers: Lighting Effects

3. Lighting with Curves and Masking 40m 57s

(quiz reviews Flash 4, 5, 6)


Photoshop for Photographers: Lighting Effects

4. Using Blending Modes to Brighten and Darken31m 28s

5. Burning and Dodging 42m 54s

(quiz reviews Camera Raw Ch. 7, 8, 9)


Photoshop for Photographers: Lighting Effects

6. Using the Lighting Effects Filter 41m 48s

Conclusion 36s

(quiz reviews Flash Ch. 1, 2, 3)


(review Exposure Pt1)

Exposure Intro-Ch6


(review Exposure Pt2)

Exposure Ch7-Conclusion


(review Composition Pt1)

Composition Intro-Ch7


(review Composition Pt2)

Composition Ch8-Conclusion


(review Raw)

Camera RAW8 Intro-Ch10 (all)


(review Flash)

Flash Intro-Conclusion (all)


(review Lighting Effects)

Lighting Effects Intro-Conclusion (all)


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Greg Clayton
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Color Theory


Photography Course
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