Art 160/ Art 260 / Greg Clayton
5th Stage: Ideate
Ideation is the "'real' creativity" stage as far as most first-time problem-solvers are concerned. 'Finally' we're actually generating ideas — which is surely the whole point of a creative problem solving process.
Well, sort of.
In any case, this is where we generate any and every idea, fragment of an idea, or shadow of an idea.
Key concepts include:
— Don't judge (prejudge, condemn or reject) any idea
— Record (sketch, notate, document, photograph) every scrap of an idea
— Generate more than you think you need. Quantity matters. Push yourself to sketch more ideas...more variations on the ideas you've got...more ways to combine the ideas you've got.
— Dare to fill the blank page — dive into deep water. Even when you don't know exactly what you're going for, get your pencil moving and trust that ideas will gradually come.
No Judging.
No Condemning.
No 'No's.'You remember 'judge not, that you not be judged' — right? Well, here is an unexpected application of that insight. When we judge something before it has fully formed or fully become, then we shut down what could have been. It happens a lot. It is one of the most widely accepted cruelties we hold to.
The Essence: Here your job is not to select or evaluate your ideas. Here your sole job is to generate and record as many ideas as possible. Make notes and sketches of every possible variation on an idea that arises. Quantity, not quality is the goal. The more ideas, the better.
Generate lots of ideas.
Then more.
And still more.
Quantity of ideas leads to quality.
Have faith in your own capacity to generate ideas — have a sketch pad and pencil with you at all times. OK, PDA's or whatever works for you is fine, but demonstrate to yourself that you expect ideas by keeping some means of recording them with you.
Honor the integrity of every idea by recording it when it arrives — very quickly. Even a brief phrase or a loose sketch will often be enough. If you're in a meeting, take 15 seconds to record what you've got, then during your next break, take a couple of more moments to elaborate. Then when you finally have time to really concentrate on your idea, explore, annotate, sketch and play — record every thought, feeling, insight and concern you have. But, the absolute requirement is to honor your idea; record it somehow as soon as it arrives — before it disappears!
Trust your ideas — but not your memory.
Short Videos on creativity, creative environment, creative objectives, etc.
Short videos on sketching and simple model-making as steps in the development of designs.
Creative Pops
| D100 Design Thinking
Accept | Analyze | Define | Incubate | Ideate | Select | Implement | Evaluate | Let Go
Greg Clayton
2D Design
Color Theory
Photography Course
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Independent Study
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