Art 260 / Greg Clayton
Charting Color Structure
See also: Color Charting Intro | Color Charting Examples | Color Proportion Studies
Complete the following exercises by filling out the charts for each of the assigned images/designs. The images are in your textbook.
Blank color charts will be handed out in class and are sometimes pinned to the bulletin board, but may also be downloaded here.
Downloadable PDF of blank basic chart (Asst1 only) | Downloadable PDF of blank extended chart
(from Color 6th ed.) (from Color 5th ed.) Fig. 10.23 (p. 165; Rothko) Fig. 10.23 (p. 167; Rothko) Fig. 9.13 (p. 131; Matisse) Fig. 9.10 (p. 130; Bruno Paul) Fig. 9.23 (p. 138; Vuillard) Fig. 9.25 (p. 139; Vuillard) Fig. 10.19 (p. 161; Bonnard) Fig. 10.19 (p. 164; Bonnard) — For each color in the design/painting, chart hue, value and chroma using both the color wheel and value staff. Chart hue and chroma on the color wheel, and value on the value staff.
— Indicated the proportions (amounts) of each color trait by varying the size of your circles.
— Draw a line to connect hue/chroma markings with value-staff markings in order to indicate actual colors — all three dimensions of color must be connected.
— Identify the name of the hue scheme based on the charts in Chapter 9, and/or the chart diagrams handed out with the syllabus. (see handout from 1st day of class or your text (Color 6th ed., p. 122))
Downloadable PDF of blank basic chart (Asst1 only)(click on the images to go to larger displays)
<< far left: Rothko <left: Matisse
< Vuillard
< Bonnard
(from Color 6th ed.) (alts from Color 5th ed.) Fig. 9.3 (p. 123) Vinotherapie Spa Fig. 4.2 (p. 38) Ortega Fig. 5.8 (p. 56) Malevich Fig. 5.10 (p. 58) van Hulsdonck Fig. 11.3 (p. 174) Infiniti Ad Fig. 9.7 (p. 127) Heil — Do everything described in Assignment 1, above, plus...
— Fill in the table of Dominances and Limitations.
Note that the information within this table simply restates the same information that is represented graphically in the color wheel-value staff chart.
Downloadable PDF of blank extended chartBelow: Vinotherapy Spa; Malevich painting; Infinity Ad
(from Color 6th ed.) Fig. 3.18 (p. 35) Monet Rouen Cathedral Fig. 3.19 (p. 35) Monet - Rouen Cathedral Fig. 5.7 (p. 55) Leonardo - Mona Lisa — As in Assignment2, do everything described in Assignment 1, above, plus...
— Fill in the table of Dominances and Limitations.
Note that the information within this table simply restates the same information that is represented graphically in the color wheel-value staff chart.
Downloadable PDF of blank extended chartBelow: Monet-Rouen Cathedral; Monet-Rouen Cathedral; Leonardo - La Gioconda/Mona Lisa
See also: Color Charting Intro | Color Charting Examples | Color Proportion Studies