OAI  Implementation of an OAI-PMH Data Provider using C# and ASP.NET

This is an open-source implementation of a data provider using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting version 2. This software allows your repository metadata to be harvested by other interested parties using OAI-PMH.

This implementation is not complete. Sets are not implemented. The implementation uses metadata stored in an XML file, and so you will likely need to modify the code to pull from a database.  Dublin Core is the only metadata format used in this implementation, but you can easily integrate other formats.

You are free to download, modify, and use the code for any purposes you wish as long as you abide by the license (included in the download). My implementation is loosely based on an ASP implementation developed by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. They are in the process of developing their own ASP.NET implementation. My implementation is the first publicly available implementation from what I can tell.

The example metadata included in my project was harvested from American Memory from the Library of Congress.

After you have downloaded the project, unzip it and read the readme.html file for installataion instructions.  You will need access to an IIS web server.

Download version 1.0 for Microsoft IIS - Last modified 3-17-05


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