
Internet Development II - COMP 431

9:45 MWF  Science 60

Spring 2004



Instructor:         Frank McCown                           

Contact:           279-4434,  HU Box 10764,   (Home: 279-9332)

Home Page:   (Syllabus, Outline, Calendar, Quizzes, useful links)

Office Hours:    Lee 120-A:   10:45 – 11:45, 3 – 5 MWF and 4 – 5 TR or by appointment



Course Description


This course is a continuation of Comp 250.  It is assumed you have a solid foundation in HTML, client and server-side scripting, and CGI programming.  Topics covered include development of Java applets, servlets, Java Server Pages (JSPs), XML applications, and ASP .NET applications.  The Apache, Jakarta Tomcat, and IIS web servers will be used.  Prerequisite: COMP 245 and COMP 250.


Required textbooks:  Core Web Programming 2nd Edition by Marty Hall and Larry Brown (Sun Microsystems - 2001)

     Introduction to ASP.NET by Kathleen Kalata (Course Technology - 2002)





There will be two regular exams (100 points each), and a final comprehensive exam (150 points) that will also include all material covered after the second exam.


If for any reason you are not able to take an exam, you must notify me before the exam (or as soon as you are physically possible).  Failure to do so will result in a zero for the exam.  A message on voice mail is preferred.  If an official school function takes you out of class on an exam date, it is your responsibility to make arrangements one week prior to the exam as to when you will take the exam.  Usually it will be given early, not late.



Assignments, Quizzes, and Projects


Homework assignments, quizzes, and projects will be assigned throughout the semester.  Most homework and quizzes will be 10 points each, and the lowest score will be dropped from your final score.  Quizzes will be taken on-line using WebCT outside of class.  You can access WebCT on or off campus at


Each of the three projects (major assignments requiring at least 6 hours to complete) will be worth 100 points.





You are expected to be in class every day.  Attendance will not be taken, but it is definitely to your advantage to be present every day.  If you are absent, you need to get the notes from a friend and get any handouts that you missed from me.  You are still expected to do any homework assigned and have it done by the given due date unless the absence is excused.  I will not redo a lecture for someone missing class although I’d be happy to explain things further to you during scheduled office hours.


It is important that you check your e-mail regularly (everyday) because I occasionally give hints or corrections to homework assignments via e-mail.  This is also the best way to communicate with the class outside of the classroom.





Standard letter grades: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89% C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 0-59%


Final grades will be computed as follows:


Exams:                                  30%

Projects:                                                35%

Homework and Quizzes:    15%

Final Exam:                           20%


Late work: A maximum of 10% will be taken off each day (including weekends) an assignment is late, up to 50%.  Those with excused absences are still expected to turn in assignments as soon as you are physically capable of doing so.


Important!  Keep all of your programs, homework, etc. so if a grade gets marked down incorrectly, the mistake will be easily resolved.  Please keep this syllabus for future reference.





Harding University, since its charter in 1924, has been strongly committed to providing the best resources and environment for the teaching-learning process.  The board, administration, faculty, and staff are wholeheartedly committed to full compliance with all criteria of the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The university values continuous, rigorous assessment at every level for its potential to improve student learning and achievement and for its centrality in fulfilling the stated mission of Harding.  Thus, a comprehensive assessment program has been developed that includes both the Academic units and the Administrative and Educational Support (AES) units.  Specifically, all academic units will be assessed in reference to the following Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose: The University provides programs that enable students to acquire essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions in their academic disciplines for successful careers, advanced studies, and servant leadership.
Near the completion of your major in the department of Computer Science & Computer Engineering, you will be assessed by a comprehensive examination covering core courses in your major.  This examination will influence your final grade in the senior capstone course.  The contents of this course will not appear on the comprehensive examination.
Assessment of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of each student for the purpose of assigning a letter grade at the completion of this course will be based on the projects, quizzes, homework assignments, and exams that were described previously in this syllabus.





Of course I expect every one of you to hold to the highest standard of personal conduct and integrity... that means you will not cheat on tests or programs.  Cheating is the willful misrepresentation of someone else's work as your own.  Specific examples include, but are not limited to, submitting work identical to someone else's, submitting part or all of a programming assignment identical to someone else's, or using unapproved sources of information (e.g., notes, textbook, your neighbor's exam, etc.) during a quiz or exam.  This is a serious matter.  Anyone found cheating will receive an F for the course.


This does not mean you can’t help others with their programs; everyone will at some time struggle and need assistance from their fellow students.  But simply giving a friend your source code to copy isn’t going to help your friend learn.  Warning: students who “work together” on a programming assignment (working on one program and each making a copy) are in danger of having one grade divided between them.  Programs are individual assignments and are the responsibility of the individual.  Come by during office hours (or we’ll arrange a time) for assistance on programs.


If you ever need assistance in this class or anything else, please don’t hesitate to come by my office or give me a call.  If it’s an emergency and you really need help in the evening, feel free to call me at home, only please do not call after curfew.



Students with Disabilities


It is the policy for Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law.  Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the instructor and Student Support Services at the beginning of the semester.  SSS is located in Room 109 of the Lee Academic Center (279-4028).




When we do the best we can,

we never know what miracle is wrought in our life,

or in the life of another.

– Keller