
Intro to Programming I - COMP 150

Fall 2003




Week 1             Introductions

                        Brief history of computing


Week 2             Hardware and software basics


Intro to flowcharting


Week 3             Flowcharting

More flowcharting

                        Binary numbers


Week 4             C++ syntax intro

                        Example program

Lab #1 - Compile and run


Week 5             Arithmetic expressions and operators


Exam 1


Week 6             Critique exam

C++ logical conditions

if and if-else statements


Week 7             while and do-while statements

Lab #2 – Flow chart to code

Program 1


Week 8             Nested if statements

                        Nested loops

Program 2


Week 9             Machine architecture

                        Chars and complex conditions                            Lab #3 – Nested ifs and chars


Week 10           Data validation

                        for loops and switch statements



Week 11           Exam 2

Critique exam               

Intro to functions


Week 12           Lab #4 - Debugger

                        Function return values

                        Program 3


Week 13           Output parameters

Lab #5 – Functions

Software Development


Thanksgiving Break


Week 14           switch statement

Intro to arrays

Arrays and loops


Week 15           Sorting algorithms

Lab #6 - Arrays



Week 16           Final Exam

                        Tues 2:40 – 5:10 pm