Code Comparison



// This is a comment.
/* Multi-line
   comment. */

‘This is a comment.
Rem So is this.  No multi-line comments. 
Variables, Constants, and Arrays
var x, y
var z = 10

No way to force variables to be declared

No constants

var Vector = new Array(10)
var Names = new Array()

var Matrix = new Array(4)
Matrix[0] = new Array(5)

Vector[9] = 1.5
Matrix[1][4] = 2

Dim x, y
Dim z  ‘ Can’t assign on same line
z = 10

‘Force all vars to be declared before being used.
Option Explicit 

Const PI = 3.14

Dim Vector(9)   ‘ 9 is last slot
‘ Can’t do this – arrays must have upper bound

Dim Matrix(3, 4) 

Vector(9) = 1.5
Matrix(1, 4) = 2
str = " there!"
document.write("hello" + str)

Response.Write(str)  ‘Server-side
<%= str %>           ‘Another way

alert("message")  // Client-side 
str = " there!"
document.write "hello" & str
document.writeln "good" & vbCr & "bye"

Response.Write str     ‘Server-side
<%= str %>             ‘Another way

MsgBox "message"  ‘Client-side 
function Add(a, b)
  return a + b

Variable are always passed by value.  
Only objects can be passed by reference.

sum = Add(1, 2)

Function Add(ByVal x, ByVal y) 
  Add = x + y
End Function 

Sub Add2(ByVal x, ByVal y, ByRef ans)
  ans = x + y
End Sub 

sum = Add(1, 2) 
Add2 1, 2, sum      ‘No () for Sub params
Call Add2(1, 2, sum)    ‘Alternate call 

if (score == 100)

if (a == 1 || a == 5)
  vector[a] = b
  c = 1
else if (a == 2)
  b *= 2

  case 1: str = str + "end"  
  case 2:
  case 3: y = y * y * y
  default: z = z / 2

If score = 100 Then _
  MsgBox "Great!"

If a = 1 Or a = 5 Then
  vector(a) = b
  c = 1
ElseIf a = 2 Then
  b = b - 1
  b = b * 2
End If

Select Case x
  Case 1 
    str = str & "end"
  Case 2, 3
    y = y ^ 3
  Case 4 To 10
    ‘4 <= x <= 10
  Case Is >= 25
    ‘x >= 25
  Case Else   ‘Default
    z = z \ 2
End Select

for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)

for (c = 2; c <= 10; c += 2)
  a += c

for (var index in myArray)

while (a < 10)

while (a < 10)

For i = 1 To 5
  document.writeln i

For c = 2 To 10 Step 2
  a = a + c

Dim element
For Each element in myArray
  document.write element

Do While a < 10       Do Until a = 10
  a = a + 1		a = a + 1
Loop		      Loop

Do		      Do
  a = a + 1		a = a + 1
Loop While a < 10     Loop Until a = 10 

Arithmetic Operators
+ - * /
% (mod)
+ - * /
\  (integer division)
^  (raising to a power)
Relational Operators
<  <=  >  >=  ==  !=
<  <=  >  >=  =  <>
Logic Operators
&&  ||  !

And  Not  Or  Xor  
Eqv  (Equivalent)
Bitwise Operators
&  ~  |  ^  <<  >>
And  Not  Or  Xor  (no shift left/right) 
var x
x = "HU"
x = x + " is great!" 

Dim x				
x = "HU"
x = x & " is great!"
VBScript String Functions
Function Description Example
StrConv Used primarily to change the case of letters in the string. Can also do UNICODE and other format changes. x = StrConv("Test", vbUpperCase) --> “TEST”
UCase, LCase Returns string converted to uppercase/lowercase. x = UCase(“Test”) --> “TEST”
Len Returns the string length. length = Len(“a”) + Len(x) --> 1 + 4
LSet, RSet Justifies chars in fixed-length string to left or right side. RSet y = “right” --> “ right”
Left, Right Returns the specified number of chars from left-hand or right-hand side of string. x = Left(“Harding”, 4) --> “Hard”
Mid Returns substring from a search string. x = Mid(“I love you.”, 3, 4) --> “love”
LTrim, RTrim, Trim Returns a copy of the string with leading, trailing, or both leading and trailing spaces removed. x = LTrim(“  <-trim->  “) -->“<-trim->  ”
x = Trim(“  <-trim->  “) --> “<-trim->”
StrComp Compares 2 strings. Returns –1 if str1 < str2, 1 if str1 > str2, 0 if strings are equal. r = StrComp(“HU”, “ACU”) --> 1
InStr Searches a string for a substring and returns the integer position if found, 0 if not found. r = InStr(1, “To be or not to be”, “be”) --> 4
Asc, AscW Asc returns ASCII value of given string. AscW returns UNICODE value. n = Asc(“A”) --> 65
n = AscW(“A”) --> 65
Chr Returns string equivalent of given ASCII value. c = Chr(65) --> “A“
Str Converts a number to a string. x = Str(459) --> " 459"
Split Returns an array of substrings produced from splitting a string based on a delimeter. myArray = Split("IxLovexVBScript!", "x")
‘myArray(0) --> “I”
‘myArray(1) --> “Love”
‘myArray(2) --> “VBScript!”
StrReverse Returns a reversed string. x = StrReverse("VBScript") --> "tpircSBV"