Week 3
& bitwise and
| bitwise or
flags - are indicators that something should be have a certain way
cout.setf(flag goes here) - turns on a console output formatting flag
cout.unsetf(flag goes here) - turns off a console output formatting flag
ios_base::fixed - used with cout.precision, makes the precision apply to the right of the decimal point
ios_base::left - used with setw, make the values in the column that is displayed left aligned.         
for loops
do - while - post test loops
It is okay to compare integers for equality, just not floating point numbers
Error Types:
   Compiler aka. syntax
   Runtime error
   logic error
bitwise operators
bitwise tic-tac-toe
need for () and order of operations
Assign Homework
Bitwise Practice (Due tonight, it should not take long)
do while loop - do not forget the ; at the end
const double GRAVITY = 9.8;
const variables can not be changed after initialization
variable scope defined by {}
Booting a computer (bootstrapping)
BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
C++ multi-line comment
Thursday (Exam Review)
C++ rules for variable names
  1. Must begin with a letter
  2. May not contain spaces or special characters
  3. May contain numbers but not as the first character
  4. Must be unique in a given scope
escape sequences  "\n, \r, \t, \a, \\, \b"
History of C++
  1. 1950s - Early programming languages where difficult to use, and maintaining large programs was becoming increasingly difficult
  2. 1960s - Martin Richards, working the University of Cambridge, developed a structured programming language called BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). Ken Thompson at Bell Labs created B, a modified version of BCPL
  3. 1970s - Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs improved on the B language and called his creation C. It is one of the most widely used programming languages of all time
  4. 1980s - A new paradigm was being adopted called Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) which sought to reduce the cost of designing, implementing, debugging, and modifying large, complex programs. Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs created C++ by adding OOP constructs to the C programming language. C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in the world
  5. Many programming languages (Java, C#, JavaScript, Python) are very similar to C++, so once you learn C++ it is not difficult to learn other programming languages
Exam Review
Friday (Exam)